Friday, March 16, 2007

The "show" must NOT go on !!!

In timpul sezonului de vanatoare, in Japonia sunt ucisi peste 17.000 de delfini, anual... (eu nu am suportat sa ma uit fara sa plang!)

Cineva a redactat o petitie online pentru Guvernul Japoniei pentru a cere stoparea acestor atrocitati.Nu-mi vine sa cred cat de cruzi sunt oamenii si cu cata indiferenta omoara niste creaturi atat de pure...Daca sperati si voi ca se poate face ceva pentru delfini, semnati petitia asta:

During the hunting season, in Japan over 17,000 dolphins are being killed anually... (i couldn't bare to watch this without crying!)

Somebody elaborated an online petition to the Government of Japan in order to stop these atrocities.I can't believe how cruel people are and how they kill such pure creatures with such indiference.If you hope that something can be done to help these dolphins, sign this petition:

1 comment:

kalashnikovworm said...

it's awful. humanism,humanity - just look this up in a dictionary and you'll get such beautiful definitions to terms that come from the word 'human' which describes the most corrupt and lowlife creature on this planet